Friendship Exchange

Japan Malaysia Association was originally founded in 1956 as an organization to be the local guardian of students coming from the country then called Malaya to study abroad in Japan. Since then the scope of our mission has grown to encompass a broad area of various activities to foster friendship between Japan and Malaysia.
Due to the economic growth and visa waiver by the Japanese government, the number of Malaysian tourists coming to Japan surged sixfold from 65,369 in 2003 to 394,262 in 2016. As two countries come closer in the relationship, there is an ever increasing need of deepening our understanding of each other.

In recent years, JMA organized trips for Malaysian students to visit schools, companies and other institutions to interact with their Japanese counterparts and learn about the culture, as well as trips for Japanese students to be engaged in tree planting activities and learn Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) with local students.
As part of an effort for enhancing the hospitality in Japan, JMA is also helping hotel operators to work with interns from Malaysia, so students from Malaysia can experience the Japanese hospitality industry while Japanese businesses can learn how to best serve guests coming from Malaysia and other countries who are culturally and religiously different from Japan.

At JMA, we consider it is our primary mission to create a better relationship for the two countries and beyond. For this goal, we are always looking for partners from academia, business, or anywhere. For upcoming events, please check Updates.
Japan National Tourism Organization, Tourism Statistics.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Exemption of Visas for Nationals of Malaysia.