JMA signs MoU with Sarawak Government for Reforestation Project
The Japan Malaysia Association is honored to announce that it has signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the State Government of Sarawak on 15 June 2019 to cooperate on the restoration of the degraded ecosystem in Sarawak for the next 10 years.
Based on this MoU, the Sarawak Government assigned areas including Gunung Apeng National Park, Sabal Forest Reserve and others totaling approximately 2,000ha within the state, whereas JMA will undertake the raising of the seedlings, tree planting, and maintenance in cooperation with the local communities and Japanese volunteers. JMA will also conduct the research and growth assessment with the help of experts from the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak and other institutions.
JMA has been involved in the reforestation effort in Malaysia since 1995, and has planted over 400,000 trees with the help of local communities and donations of Japanese companies. This MoU represents a renewal of its commitment to be engaged in an effort to restore the ecosystem of Sarawak and the rest of Malaysia for the coming 10 years.